Sunday, November 15, 2009

On Avoidance

So despite having lots of time to work on it, I have been unashamedly and blatantly avoiding my Degree Project. I like to believe that it's because I work better under pressure, so I'm simply creating the proper environment to work. Did I mention that I have my BA in BS? :P
Anyway, I should be putting up some Degree Project stuff within the next few days. I plan on pulling an all nighter and forcing myself to confront this behemoth project. 

Anywho, here's what I do to avoid my Degree Project... enjoy! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Like cold molasses going uphill..

I'm making progress on my Degree Project, slowly but surely. My design has changed drastically, and I think I've finally settled into how I want the characters to look for the most part, and then how I'm going to animate this bad boy. I'm familiar with working water color, as it's my favorite medium, so the coloring and such shouldn't take so long. The compositing however, should be interesting. I've never done it before, so we shall see how it works out for me. Or if I'll even keep going on with the compositing. 

Anyway, here are some character sketches and a mini animation test that I've done for the film so far. 

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wow, I really need to get better about posting stuff on here! I can hardly believe that November is here. I have officially registered for my final semester at Massart, which is a little surreal. Degree project is actually going very smoothly so far. I've decided on a medium and design, I just need to nail down the story a little bit more. It's not as scary as I thought it would be, but there's plenty of time left for me to change my mind. 

Anyway, here is a mass of artwork that should be up here, but I've neglected to put online for a while. Enjoy! 

Monday, October 5, 2009

I Love this Time of Year!

October is my month, no doubt about it. I love Halloween, my favorite holiday ever, since when else can you dress like whatever you want and it's socially acceptable? Well there are exceptions, but I wouldn't call cons socially acceptable... :P I kid! 

So I was trying to do my Degree Project, since that's been looming over my head for the past week, and I had successfully managed to avoid thinking about it til now, when I decided, what better way to continue to avoid doing actual work than by drawing/painting some classic monsters? And so I present to you today, my Frankenstein and his Bride, fresh from the ol' sketch book. 

And now, back to Degree Project... 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where has this semester gone?!!

So after a few weeks of  saying 'yeah I'll do this tomorrow....' I'm in a mad rush to get things done! This year, and semester in particular, has flown by. It's forcing me to start thinking about the future and I'm bucking it the whole way.  I hate to admit it, but I'm pretty scared for next year. But I shall grin and bear it, because I'm all stoic like. 

Also, have some animations! 

This is a style test for Animation 4. I had so much fun making the puppet, set and animating the whole thing. My confidence was cracked up a bit and I didn't enjoy animating as much as I used to, but after this assignment, I'm chomping at the bit to animate more. (I like how I'm making all of these equine analogies.... could it have anything to do with this animation?! We may never know...)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

On avoiding what I should be doing

I should be storyboarding a PSA assignment, but I find that avoidance is the best way to deal with things that I'm not up to doing. Of course that means that a late night brainstorming session will be happening this weekend, but I work well under pressure. So instead of posting what my progress  of said assignment, how about a post of one that I did last semester that I think goes well with how I'm dealing with my problems!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Animals in Appliances...

This is probably the animation I'm most proud of so far. As painstaking as coloring and inking each frame, it was definitely worth it, since I don't despise how this looks! Anywho, this animation is based off of one of my favorite poems by Shel Silverstein, and was all hand done.