Monday, February 1, 2010

Here we go again

Every semester starts off the same way. I always say, 'Okay, this is the semester where I WON'T procrastinate anymore, and stay on top of everything! And this time I mean it!" And every semester it goes horribly wrong. Well so far so go in terms of me keeping up. Degree Project is in full swing and I have the first minute animated and waiting for color. WOO. I'm already a smidge stressed out about this, and I see many an all nighter in my future, along with caffeine induced twitches and twinges while I go blind from my light box.

Please sit back and enjoy my descent into madness. 

On a different note, I recently did some logo art for a good friend who is starting a new band which is going to be super famous and successful. Here's the final image!

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